Well, raising little nerds continued this past weekend. The boys have been watching me paint Malifaux models over the last month or so and have been interesting in what is going on. Ben decided he wanted to paint up some models as well. Figuring this is a typical, "I'm bored" response, I put him off until the next day when he would forget about it and move on to other things. Turns out, he didn't. Next morning (Saturday) he comes up to me after waking up and says, "Daddy, are you going to find models for me to paint now?"
With that kind of commitment, who am I to say no? So I dig through a closet upstairs that contains a bunch of stuff that we have never really unpacked and the wife has relegated to the long lost extra closet and I find some old Space Marines. Mark 6 armor. All plastic. From like 15 years ago. Nice set of models where you could get like 600 marines for $30 or something. Now, Sean not wanting to be left behind is also interested in this activity so I have two painters to satisfy.
When you get down to it, his new interest in painting models is actually a win win for me! I get to paint my models, they get to paint their models and mommy can't complain because I am ignoring my family to paint. Score!
As you can see, good call by the wife. There is paint all over Sean's face, arm and everything else. Ben is a little neater, but not by much.
After about 15-20 minutes, Sean (age 3) got bored and went off to do something else. His first model is below:
After about 30 minutes Ben (age 5) got bored too. His first model below:
All in all, it was a great experience. Ben and Sean have painted about a squads worth of marines by this point. None of which look anywhere near close to the same color / theme. Now I just have to find some cheap models for them to continue painting so they don't get bored and quit on me! Daddy needs his painting time too!
Awesome, congrats on getting the boys interested and the Mary off your back for a bit too so you can get some painting done. Let me know the next time you'll be out at the shop and I'll hook you up with some minis for the boys to practice on.